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Hey Hatchet Head...

I often get asked by people that want to go into TV news, “what does it take?”

I tell them, you have to have a thick skin and don’t expect to get rich.

It is odd in a business that requires a thick skin, we have so many delicate egos. Talent that wants to be coddled and can’t take when someone might say something mean about them.

Lindsay Storrs is the morning Meteorologist at KUTV in Salt Lake City and she obviously gets it.

Storrs got an email from a grandma that called her out for the way she does her hair. It was not the meanest email by any stretch, but still, it’s not cool for viewers to comment on talent’s looks.

But it was the way Storrs handled the email that shows that she gets it.

First here is the viewer mail:

Now, here is Storrs’ reply to the viewer and I loved how she handled it:

If you don’t like an Anchor for how they do their job, that’s fine and you can turn the channel and if you want to email them and say they suck at their job, that’s fair game.

But, when you start picking on the person on TV for their hair, their weight, or something like that, now you have strayed out of your lane. If you don’t like their hair, turn the channel and shut up.

But, the fact that Lindsay Storrs handled this well, showed that she can take the comments and didn’t go hide in a corner, shows me she is one of those in this business that gets it and is one of those rare TV people that can just bury the hatchet.

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