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Come on News People!

In case you are pay attention, the coronavirus is spreading across this country at warp speed.

To give you an idea just how fast the spread is, when the Space X astronauts blasted off from Kennedy Space Center here in Florida, the Sunshine State had just over 50,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

When they returned weeks later, Florida was just under 500,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

A pandemic is sweeping across our country and for some reason, it has become political and due to so many mixed messages, thousands of people are dying each week.

You would have hoped that the people working in TV news would have seen how serious this was and kept informing viewers about the science and not the politics of the Rona.

Let’s take a look at just this past week some of the actions of TV news people.

Yesterday, FTVLive should you a picture posted by WRAL (Raleigh) Reporter Rosalia Fodera to her Instagram. In the picture are 6 other Reporters and two Producers, none wearing masks and obviously, no one is social distancing.

What kind of message does this send to the viewer when the people that they see on TV are not practicing what they are telling viewers to do each day?

WEWS (Cleveland) Anchor Homa Bash posted this photo this week on her Instagram:

Again, this sends completely the wrong message. She did post this disclaimer:

First off, the coronavirus doesn’t care how about the quick pic. It doesn’t stop so you can take a selfie and still, masks are off quickly, but where is the social distancing?

How can you sit on the anchor desk and advise viewers to social distance, when you don’t practice it yourself. How’s that for credibility?

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that WFTS Anchor/Reporter Jasmine Styles posted a video to social media saying that she is one of the almost 500,00 people living in the Sunshine State that has contracted COVID-19.

Let’s go back on her Instagram just 12 days before she posted the video saying that she has COVID:

Again, ignoring all guidelines and sending the message to others that this really isn’t a big deal.

Over 150,000 people are dead and almost 5 million people have been infected. It’s a big deal.

Millions are unemployed and businesses are closing permanently. It’s a big deal.

Parents are deciding if they should send their kids back to school and many teachers are wondering if they should quit the job that the love. It’s a big deal.

If you don’t want to wear a mask and don’t want to social distance, I guess you can do what you want.

But, why as a Journalist, would you post pictures on social media flaunting the CDC guidelines? Why do this when your station is likely running promos telling people to social distance and wear a mask? You don’t think this hurts your credibility?

Is posting pictures of yourself really that important?

I and many others are doing as much as we can to help stop the spread, trying to get the virus under control and hope we can get back to something close to normal.

When you see stuff like this, it makes me want to say “fuck it,” why am I sacrificing my quality of life if none of these people are?

If everyone isn’t buying in, then the United States will continue to have people die along with the economy.

But hey, I guess that post on your Instagram was worth it.


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