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Using the Media to Raise Campaign Money

Donald Trump and his campaign is using you to try and raise campaign money for his re-election.

Trump’s campaign sent out this fundraising email and once again accused the media of being “Fake News”:

Then the email ened with another shot at the media:

I will say, I have never given a dime to any political campaign. There have been times when I have wanted to, like when my mom was running for office. But, I knew as a Journalist, you don’t contribute to campaigns.

But, when I see emails like this that just blast the media and the job that I have done most of my adult life, I am so tempted to send the Biden campaign money, just as a protest.

Of all the things that Trump has done, blasting Journalists and the job they do, pisses me off the most.

Well, other than the fact that he ignored and downplayed the coronavirus so long that the U.S. is without a doubt in the worst shape of any other country.

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