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Just moments after FTVLive posted our podcast (You can Listen to it Here), talking about WTTG (DC) Anchor Alison Seymour signing off and how many inside the station feel that management favors Angie Goff over other talent, this is what happened on the station’s website.

Before FTVLive posted the Podcast this was the banner of the WTTG website for the morning show, which still included Seymour’s picture.

Angie Goff out front, Seymour in the back:

After the FTVLive podcast and where we discussed Goff being the “teacher’s pet” the website was updated and it appears that Goff took one step back.

Maybe management was feeling a bit guilty.

Also, Seymour who has shared almost her entire life publicly has not said a word since she left the station, which many that know her says it out of character.

Some wonder if Seymour did not sign a nondisclosure agreement and is bound from taking about her exit from the station.

WTTG has used NDA’s in the past to try and keep talent from talking (or suing) and some think that might be the case with Seymour.

WTTG has used NDA’s to keep people quiet, does anyone else think it is odd that a station would use an NDA to make their former employees mute. So much for freedom of speech, I guess.

Also, if you ran the station well and treated people with respect and dignity, maybe you would not have the need for an NDA.

Just saying….

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