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Calling it a Career in Cleveland

A longtime Cleveland newsie has stepped down and it is a good bet that most of the viewers don’t know who he is.

WJW Photographer Ali Ghanbari was just a boy, about five years old and growing up in Iran, when his father gave him his first camera. “It was a small funky camera that you could shoot and then throw away,” he recalls.

Ghanbari had no idea then that 65 years later he would be looking back at a career that made him the most decorated photojournalist in Ohio television history.

After 26 years, Ghanbari has put the lens cap on his career at the Fox station.

“We already miss not only his work, but having him as part of our newsroom,” says News Director Andy Fishman.

Looking back on his job, Ghanbari says, “It was always interesting and you never do the same story twice,” he says. “It was never boring for me.”

Amen to that.

You can read the full story at Cleveland.com

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