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The Obit...

Like many of us, Kristin Urquiza has grown sick and tired of Donald Trump and politicians that have made the COVID-19 pandemic political.

Think about it, if Trump had taken the coronavirus seriously from the very beginning and urge Americans to prepare, do you think this whole thing would be political?

Do you think we would have been pitting Red state Governors against Blue state Governors?

What if he said, “the coronavirus is headed this way and we as a country have to come together and fight this thing head-on”?

Instead, he said, “there are 15 cases and that number will be going down.”

As for Kristin Urquiza, she lost her dad to COVID-19, and sadly, she felt she had to use her dad’s obit to talk about her frustration.

The frustration she feels is shared by many.

There is no way in hell that this virus should have become a political football. Stop saying the numbers are going up because of testing. The numbers are going up because people are getting the fucking virus and it is continuing to spread.

The U.S. is topping the list in cases because the President and many other politicians tried to turn a health crisis into a political one.

Mark Urquiza died because Donald Trump did not want to admit that COVID-19 was coming to America. And then politicians on both sides of the aisle decided to follow his lead and make the coronavirus political.

My heart goes out to the Urquiza family.

Their country failed them.

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