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News Crew Accosted

A news crew from NBC was accosted by some protestors in DC.

The video was posted to Twitter and while you can see some accosting the Photographer, you can see other protestors trying to keep people back and away.

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The right-leaning Daily Caller thinks that NBC is trying to cover up this incident, due to the fact that it shines a bad light on Black Lives Matter protestors.

The protests in themselves have many story angles. Some want to incite violence and loot stores, while others want to peacefully protest and have their voice heard.

But depending on which cable news station your watch, it seems that it is either or?

Fox News seems to want to focus on the violent protestors and the looting, while CNN and MSNBC want to act like it is all peaceful except for the police and their actions.

This story has many sides and many angles.

But cable news just wants to play it into their political narrative.

My advice, turn off cable news.

Just saying…

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