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White Out In The Springs

As FTVLive continues to look at the lack of diversity at TV stations, we continue to shake our head.

Stopping by the Colorado Springs market and Nexstar’s KXRM, we don’t see an African American anywhere in their bios for on-air staff.

The bio page leads off with the white News Director and then looks like a Trump rally the rest of the way through the bios:

Let’s cross the street to Gray’s KKTV and see how they are doing?

KKTV does have James Brown a black guy working as their Traffic Reporter, but other than that, it’s a sea of white.

Companies like Nexstar and Gray are putting out statements saying how strongly they believe in racial equality, but looking at these two stations and you see it is nothing more than talk.

Talking is easy, taking actions is where the heavy lifting starts.

Be Better.

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