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Arizona Governor Dodges the Media

Despite the warnings from health experts that strongly advised not to reopen states backup weeks ago, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wanted to make Donald Trump happy and did so anyway.

You now see what is going on in both states as COVID-19 is spreading faster than ever before.

At least in Texas, where the rona is on a tear as well, Gov Greg Abbott is now urging people to stay inside.

In Arizona, Ducey is not only taking any measures to stop the spread, he’s dodging the media and won’t talk about his screw up.

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It also appears that the Gov wants to control the camera when he is in front of it:

It’s hard to believe that a virus is being treated as a political football and now the President is basically ignoring it altogether.

Ask yourself, if anyone, anyone other than Donald Trump was President, do you would think we would be where we are when it comes to COVID-19.

Don’t you think that Obama, Bush, Clinton, H.W. Bush, or any other President would have taken this more seriously, not made it political and our country would be in much better shape at this moment?

Instead, we have Governors so hell-bent on pleasing Trump, they opened up too early and are now playing politics with people’s lives.

Then when it comes to answering questions about their stupid actions, people like Governor Doug Ducey run and hide from the media.

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