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Trump Thinks Biden will Beat Him

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that KSAZ (Phoenix) Anchor John Hook interviewed President Trump in front of his border wall.

We pointed out that the RNC could not have done a better commercial for Trump.

Hook posted the raw video on his social media and it was even worse than we thought.

He asks softball questions and then offers no pushback to Trump’s answers. Trump says his actions on COVID-19 saved “millions and millions of lives”, and yet Hook did not ask how he can prove that is the case. There was no follow up on how Trump basically ignored the virus for weeks. Trump bragged about how the country is opening back up and Hook never talked about how the pandemic is now growing at numbers never seen.

Also, the big thing is that Trump basically admitted that Joe Biden is going to win the election and there was no follow up from Hook.

Hook was teeing up another softball for Trump and said that his “opponent” (Hook did not use Biden’s name) said that if elected he may stop work on the wall.

Trump answered the question and said, “He’ll complete it, you’ll have a revolution if they didn’t do it.”

So, in other words, he’s saying that Biden will be the next President and that he needs to keep building the wall.

Hook never followed up and basically Trump saying that Biden will be our next President.

I guess that’s what happens when you are just pitching one softball after another.

Here is the raw interview that Hook posted:

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