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Good News Followed by Bad

Last week, I told you guys that I was informed that I was in contact with a person that was experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

Although you try not to think about it, it’s in the back of your mind, have I been exposed?

The person was tested late last week and yesterday I got an email saying that his test for the coronavirus was “negative”.

I’ll be honest, it was a great relief to read that email and I felt like I dodged a bullet.

But, it was long after that, I got an email saying that the person read his results wrong and he indeed did test positive for COVID-19. Here is a portion of the email:

“We had two staff members tested for the virus, and the way that the results were presented in the correspondence received, led both staff members to believe that they were negative, when in fact one of them was positive. The staff member that is positive is a young man and I can identify him to you further if you need additional information to assess your risk based on whether you were near him for an extended period of time on either day.”

Due to HIPAA laws, the organization was not able to name who it was, but they did tell us where the guy was working on which day.

I did come in contact with the guy, but he was wearing a mask and we did stay socially distanced at that time.

I really hope that was good enough. I’m one week in on my 14 days of waiting. So far, so good, but it still is on my mind.

Now, let’s do some news….