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More Bounced at CBS in LA

CBS wasn’t done pink-slipping people at their LA outlet.

Yesterday, FTVLive told you that CBS whacked Anchors Jeff Michael and Sharon Tay, along with Weatherman Garth Kemp.

There are more names to add to the list. Sources tell FTVLive that KCAL Anchor Sandra Mitchell, and Traffic Reporter Jennifer Kim were also told to pack up their shit.

We are also told that at least two Photographers were let go as well.

Sources inside KCBS/KCAL are not happy that News Director Tara Finestone just sent out a memo about Chopper Reporter Stu Mundel leaving the station (his choice) and yet not a peep about the loyal employees who were abruptly forced out. “How is the rest of the newsroom supposed to feel, knowing the company could get rid of you at any second, without even acknowledging your existence?” said one staffer to FTVLive.

I know that business is business, but where is the compassion? Can’t you just put out a note of thanks for all the longtime staffers that you just put out of work?

Just asking….

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