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CNN and MSNBC are Going Back to The Future

Back in 2016, Jeff Zucker had CNN take many of the Trump campaign rallies live from start to finish.

CNN was not doing this for other campaigns, only for Trump and it part was giving him millions of dollars in free ad time.

in 2016, MSNBC’s Morning Joe had Trump on as a guest over and over again, also giving him free ad time.

Donald Trump was elected President on the backs of cable news.

And not long after he became President he turned on CNN and MSNBC as quickly as a snake on a mouse.

Many at CNN and MSNBC complain about Trump and his lack of skill and leadership, yet it was their networks that helped put him in the White House.

Trump played them and CNN and MSNBC vowed that it would not happen again.

But, guess what?

The networks are now taking Trump’s coronavirus updates which he holding at prime news time of 5PM. The updates that Trump is giving are filled with inaccuracies and lies that for the most part go unchecked.

Due to COVID-19, Trump can’t hold his rallies and people thought it would drive him crazy. But, Trump has turned the COVID-19 updates into his campaign events and he is getting more eyeballs than he is at his rallies.

Of course, Fox News is going to show them wall to wall and CNN made noise about now doing so, but they still are.

It’s 2016 all over again and Trump is playing CNN and MSNBC perfectly.

There is even an online petition with over 34,000 signatures trying to get networks to stop from carrying Trump’s campaign rallies…..errrrrrrr…… coronavirus pressers.

By the way, some on Twitter have noticed:

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