Good Job CNN and Fox News Needs to Yank Hannity
There is no doubt that the coronavirus has people either scared or confused as to what is happening.
Donald Trump and his administration tried to downplay the virus right up until the time that it started spreading throughout the country.
As for cable news, many at Fox News like Sean Hannity said it was no worse than the flu and was nothing to be concerned about.
CNN and MSNBC might have helped fuel the panic, but last night CNN did something good.
CNN held a town hall on the coronavirus and they used actual experts and not talking heads to get viewers better informed as to what is happening and what they can expect.
They had Dr. Anthony Fauci on, who gave viewers the news they needed:
It was great to see CNN put on a professional show that was needed and timely.
Meanwhile, over at Fox News, this is what viewers were getting:
I know that Sean Hannity has high ratings and is the king of Fox News, but we are dealing with something that has never been seen before and maybe it is time to put the viewers lives in front of ratings.
Fox News should take Hannity off the air until this pandemic subsides, use his time slot to inform and not having a idiots just yell at each other and misinform viewers.
Do the right thing Fox News, show that just this once, ratings are a bit less important than viewers lives.