Frustration with the Job Hunt
It appears that former WEVV morning Meteorologist Chris Mastrobuono is getting a bit frustrated with his job hunting.
First off Chris, we have all been there and it is never fun looking for a job.
I always tell people that looking for your next job needs to be your full-time job.
Also, I have no idea if your old ND was a tool or not, but under law, they are really not allowed to say much to your future employer. They can confirm you worked there and the from which dates you worked there and that’s about it.
If they say bad stuff about you, you can take legal action against them for doing so.
The person your are interviewing with should be good enough at your job to call around and find more about you. They can call other people in the market, who would be allowed to say anything. They can call your former co-workers and try and get info. But, your old boss is a bit hand tied as to what he/she can say.
Hang in there, keep looking and it might be best to keep your frustrations to yourself and off social media. It is not a good look for your new boss, when you are bashing your old boss.
Just saying….