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Katie Couric Lashes Out at Fox News

When it comes to Fox News, let’s just say that former CBS Evening News Anchor and Today Show host, Katie Couric is not a fan.

Couric said that Fox News is an “alternate universe” and calls the network out for “fake news” during a political discussion at the 2020 Makers Conference.

Speaking on a panel about 2020 politics, Couric tee’d off on Fox News “Sometimes I watch Fox just to see how they’re covering things. And I don’t know why I’m shocked every time I watch it, but it’s just an alternate universe,” Couric said. “And it is crazy to me. And anyway, it just, it makes me crazy.”

As to why Fox News gets so many viewers, Couric says, “They’re getting affirmation not information. As a result, they are not actually understanding facts and truth,” Couric said of Fox viewers. “I mean, if you want to talk about fake news, that’s state-run television really.”

H/T Yahoo

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