Ignoring the President
If someone told you years ago that the President of the United States give what he called the most important speech of his lifetime and CNN would ignore it, you would have thought that was crazy.
But that is what happened.
Donald Trump gave a 46-minute speech from the White House and CNN aired none of it.
Of course, this wasn’t really a speech as much as it was a Festivus like airing of the grievances.
For 46 minutes Trump claimed that there was massive voter fraud in the most recent election in which he was stomped by Joe Biden.
'We are not showing you any excerpts because the allegations made by the president have been rejected in the courts as well as by state election officials from both parties, not to mention from his own attorney general,' said CNN’s Jim Acosta.
As much as I hate to say it, I agree with CNN on this.
Since the election, Trump has basically given up doing his job and is now fixated on spreading false information that the election was “rigged” against him.
It was not.
I never thought I would say that a network should not cover a President’s speech, but then again we never had a President like this.
CNN or any news organization has a duty to inform viewers and often times CNN and other cable news outlets do a really shitty job of that.
But, giving Trump nearly an hour of air-time to makes wild outlandish claims with no evidence is akin to being a news outlet in North Korea of Russia.
At this point, there is little difference between the actions of Kim Jong-un, Vladimir Putin, or Donald Trump.
Giving them the airway to spout lies and continue to chip away at the very democracy that this country was built on, is not something any news outlet needs to do.
This time….. CNN might the right call.