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The Inbox...

WWBT (Richmond) Anchor Anthony Antoine posted this letter the station got to his social media.

Here is the post and here is a take by a TV newsie that is starting to think that many in TV news are getting way too thin skinned.

Here’s his post:

And here is the Take from a TV newsie:

Honest question: Are on-air personalities getting a bit too sensitive to any criticism whatsoever? Take the attached example from Friday. I get it, ties are not indicative of how “professional” a journalist is. It’s just a normal, run-of-the-mill, useless critique from a viewer. But this journalist’s first instinct is to run to Twitter and declare his intention to, “fit OUT, not in”? What’s more, other journalists jumped in to show their support.

I see this more and more these days: TV talent unable to handle the gentlest slight from the public.

At the end of the day, getting hate mail is an unfortunate part of the job. It’s what you’ve signed up for by being in the public eye. And yes, viewers who feel the need to make cruel comments based on common, nonsensical societal beauty standards, like a woman’s weight or hair, should be called out.

But you’re THAT offended someone asked you to wear a tie? Really? Cry me a river.

Have we really become this soft as a society? Is it a crime to make any negative comment toward TV talent, however misguided it may be?

See this content in the original post