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Fox News Settles with Seth Rich's Family

Sean Hannity and others at Fox News exploited the murder of Seth Rich, claiming he was killed after leaking DNC emails to WikiLeaks during the presidential campaign.

There was no evidence of that being the reason Rich was killed, but it did not stop Hannity and others at Fox News to continue to shout the narrative from on top of the grave of Rich.

It got to the point that Rich’s parents sued Fox News for exploiting their son's death in stories and commentary.

The two sides have now reached a settlement in which the details were not released.

“We are pleased with the settlement of this matter and sincerely hope that the media will take genuine caution in the future,” the Riches said in a statement.

In a statement to FTVLive, Fox News said, "We are pleased with the resolution of the claims and hope this enables Mr. and Mrs. Rich to find a small degree of peace and solace moving forward."

Sean Hannity did not comment on the settlement.

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