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Now They Are Hiring Again

With the COVID pandemic, FTVLive told you how NBC implemented a number of layoffs at their properties, including NBC O&O’s.

A number of good people were laid off as the company blamed the pandemic as a need to cut costs.

Now, as the pandemic starts to ramp up again, it appears that NBC is looking to hire.

In an email sent by an NBC Boston Assignment Editor, he informs that the station has two Producer positions available and encourages people to reach out to him if they are interested.

Sounds, like NBC, might be offering up bonuses to those that help fill open jobs.

Just like Meredith who laid off almost 200 people, NBC kicked a lot of good people to the curb. Only to see both companies turn right around and start hiring again.

Maybe it is the management that needs to be changed out. Clearly, they don’t have a grasp on this.

Just saying….

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