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This is Fox News...

While Donald Trump is trying to illegitimize Fox News and send his hardcore followers to Newsmax, it isn’t stopping his Fox News lapdogs from trying illegitimize a fair election in which Trump lost in a landslide.

Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and others continue to parrot the Trump narrative, with no evidence, that there was widespread voter fraud.

There was not.

Last night, Lou Dobbs encouraged a sitting U.S. Congressman to not accept the results of the election and demanded that he and others in the GOP do something to overthrow the results of the election.

The fact that a host of a supposedly legitimate cable news network is trying to overthrow the results of the election and encouraging a member of Congress to do it, should be shocking.

This sounds like something you would expect in North Korea, or Russia, not the United States. And, the fact that management at Fox News continues to let Lou Dobbs on the air tonight is head scratching, to say the least.

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On top of that, Fox News’s Geraldo Rivera appears to have been dispatched to the White House to try and talk some sense into Donald Trump, and get him to accept the fact that he lost the election.

So, while Lou Dobbs is trying to overturn the election results, Geraldo acting like a parent trying to get their kid to eat his vegetables, and get Trump to accept that he lost.

You know this country is screwed when Geraldo is the sensible one in all this.

Also, don’t be surprised that when this is all over (hopefully one day) that Fox News hires Donald Trump in an effort to keep the viewers they are losing to Newsmax.

That will give Fox another old crazy white guy to join Lou Dobbs in pushing conspiracy theories.

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