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News Anchors or Trump Propagandists?

While Donald Trump doesn’t want to face the fact that he lost in the election, it appears that Trump-supporting “News Anchors” John Hook and Kari Lake of KSAZ are also trying to cast doubt on the election.

Both have taken to social media to call into question the election results, despite the fact that there is NO EVIDENCE of widespread voting fraud.

Lake posted a tweet from Fox Business Anchor Maria Bartiromo, who has been so far up Trump’s ass that there are many inside Fox News itself that have called her an embarrassment to the company.

We’ll see how much this explodes, but I would not hold your breath.

As for Hook, he is claiming cases of voter fraud in Nevada including dead people voting.

What Hook did not point out, some of the votes that are being looked at as being cast fraudulently were votes for Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Also, Clark County confirmed that TWO ballots were cast in deceased voters’ names, and are being investigated. In one case, it appears that the ballot was signed by the dead person’s daughter, who did not cast her own ballot. If that’s true, it appears to be a mix-up rather than intentional fraud.

In the other case, the handwriting and signature on the ballot matches the county’s records on the dead person.

It’s unclear whether the ballot was cast for Trump or Biden.

Not exactly widespread, but that is not stopping Hook from trying to fan the flames.

Hook also decided to cast doubt on the voting machines that were used during the election.

Hmmmm? Maybe the Republican Governor of Arizona and the Republicans in charge of elections in Hook’s Maricopa County should have looked into that before the election.

I love how hooks makes the claims and then follows up with “Thoughts?”

Here is my thought John and Kari.

How about respecting the democracy of the United States, accept the fact that your boy lost by a lot and start doing your job, which is to deliver the news and keep your QAnon theories to yourself?

The fact that the Fox owned station continues to let these two try and trample our democracy and not accept the results of a fair election is disgusting.

Those are my thoughts.

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