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Former DC Anchor Becomes Agent

Back in September, FTVLive told you that WTTG Weather Anchor/Reporter Gary McGrady was joining the growing list of people that had left The Firm’s DC station.

McGrady is resurfacing as a TV Agent working for OTA which is based out of Denver.

While working in TV news, McGrady was known for knowing a lot about the business and was often asked by coworkers for advice.

He would often help out younger staffers are co-workers and has now decided to make that his job.

McGrady explained, “I think it’s important for future clients to know...OTA agents are all newsroom tested. we’ve walked this path and understand what it takes to thrive and succeed in TV News. It’s time to use what I have learned these past three decades and help guide and develop the next generation of journalists.”

“Gary has been a mentor all of his career and is excited to continue to develop talent at all levels as an agent. His enthusiasm and knowledge of the industry is the perfect match for the OTA brand and he will benefit our clients in many ways,” said OTA Vice President of Talent Kimberly Price.

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