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We Told You....

Back on Christmas Eve (Yes FTVLive was working), we told you that Gray’s WOIO in Cleveland was doing their best to get the toothpaste back in the tube after posting a very insensitive headline on their website.

WOIO Reporter Jorge Ramos Pantoja did a story on a Cleveland Police Officer that is battling cancer. But, when the station posted the story, they dragged up part of the officer’s past in the headline.

Many viewers were pissed and were calling on the station to fire Ramos Pantoja, despite the fact that he had nothing to do with the headline of the story.

It was then the station tried to walk the headline back:

In our Dec. 24th story we wrote, “Word is that Pantoja is not happy and this apology might be too little too late.”

Well, guess what?

Jorge Ramos Pantoja posted that he is leaving WOIO at the end of the week and starting a new gig.

Here is his announcement:

We told you this was coming….

Oh! And here is the internal memo sent to the staff at WOIO:

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