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FTVLive is in San Antonio

Kristie Gonzales

FTVLive is updating today’s edition from a hotel in San Antonio and the intern is helping out from back at the World HQ.

I’m here in Texas to attend the RTDNA/NAHJ convention.

I plan on being on the floor most of the day today. Yesterday, after landing in San Antonio, I ended up at the convention hotel, as I was searching for something to eat.

While I was not planning on it, I spent a couple of hours on the floor and ran into a number of TV folks. I met up with KVUE GM Kristie Gonzales and a few others at the Tegna booth. Kristie is female and hispanic and runs a TV station. That is so refreshing to see in the GM’s office at a TV station. I can only hope for the day when we see more of, not only women, but minorities running TV stations. This business has long been dominated by the old white guy and that needs to change. It’s nice to see people like Gonzales helping pave the way.

It will also say, it’s nice to be out of Florida and out of the “hurricane cone” where I spent 12 days.

I’ll be honest, I’m worn out. But, I’m looking forward to being on the NAHJ floor today. If you see me, please say hi and would love to meet you. I will be the only guy on the floor, wearing an FTVLive hat and the ever present sunglasses.

Now, let’s do some news…..