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One More Day....

Hurricane Dorian is taking her first swipes south of Daytona Beach and then if the track stays, Dorian will be stopping by the FTVLive World HQ on Wednesday.

The power hurricane is expected to stay off shore, but throughout this entire storm, Dorian has not done what was expected. Early on this storm was forecast to be a Cat 1 and ended growing into one of the most powerful storms that the Atlantic has ever seen.

It also shows that with all the technology at our disposal, it is still very hard to predict Mother Nature.

If Dorian does pass by to the East, it doesn’t mean that we will not be impacted. Dorian is a beast and while the eye may stay off shore, a big part of the storm will make it on shore.

I am still scheduled to be on a flight Thursday morning to NAHJ in San Antonio. Airlines have cancelled thousands of flights here in Florida already. I’m still hoping to make mine, but Dorian will have a big say in that.

The waiting game has been going on for over a week and that is just about as long as the stress level has gone on as well.

Tomorrow, Dorian stops by for a visit, it is expected to be a rough 24 hours

Now, let’s do some news….