FTVLive's Hero of the Week
This weeks’ FTVLive hero is KOKI (Tulsa) Reporter Sara Whaley.
Whaley was doing a story about a guy that had his truck stolen and the man’s dog was inside the stolen vehicle.
While Whaley was covering the story, she went the extra mile to try and find the dog that was stolen with the truck.
Whaley spent the last week on the story. She's been fielding calls from across the country. She's been forwarding pictures, e-mails, and social media messages to the owner and has even been in touch with local animal shelters.
Thursday morning, she went to the Tulsa County Jail to pressure the suspect in the case of the stolen truck and dog into giving her any clues whatsoever about who has the dog and where. After about 30 minutes, he finally gave her some hints as to where to go. She and the dog's owner began to knock on doors and ask around, and finally they found the dog in an apartment near the original crime scene which lead to an emotional reunion for the dog and his owner after being apart for nearly a week.
It was great to see Whaley invest the time and effort into the story and try so hard to find the missing dog.
And that makes her, FTVLive’s Hero of the Week.
Here’s her story on the incident and the reunion: