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Missing the Mark on the Hurricane

Predicting a hurricane is not an easy task for TV weather people. Most rely on the Hurricane Center which have a lot more expertise and much more equipment at their disposal to do the job.

Often times, Meteorologists here in Florida error more to the dark side of the storm. Many think that it is done for ratings, but it’s not. It is done, because they are talking about the lives and homes of millions of people and they would rather error to the keeping people safe side. If they “hype” the storm, people might be more inclined to take action when it comes to preparing.

I cannot and will not fault them for that.

We are talking about people’s lives.

But, sometimes weather people miss the mark and no seemed to miss the mark more than First Coat News Meteorologist Mike Prangley.

Prangley works at the Tegna station here in Jacksonville and while many were telling us to keep an eye on Dorian, Prangley was saying, he thought it was going to fizzle out.

Has Dorain was growing in the Atlantic, Prangley was sending out tweets like this one:

Well, we all know how that turned out. Hurricane Dorian not only survived, but turned into one of the most powerful storms in history in the Atlantic, with winds topping 200mph.

As Dorian picked up wind speed, on August 31 (two days ago) Prangley was tweeting out that Florida was basically safe and then he ate a big cookie.

While many of the TV Meteorologists here in Florida are taking this historic storm very seriously, Prangley is at home eating cookies.

A number of Florida weather people have been on the air around the clock and sleeping at the station.

Hurricane warnings and watches are in place up and down the East coast of Florida, including Jacksonville.

This storm may or may not stay to the East, but we are going to feel the effects of the storm.

As for me, I will be watching and listening to the weather people that are on the job and not home eatings cookies.

Stay safe Florida!

And if I were you, I would not be listening to the weather guy that predicted that Dorian would fizzle out.

This storm is a beast!

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