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3 Anchorman Walk Into a Bar

The 3 top male Anchors in Pittsburgh came together for a good cause.

Ken Rice of KDKA, David Johnson of WPXI and Mike Clark of WTAE showed up at a promotional event at tPoint Park University Center for Media Innovation.

It was the first time any of the three could recall being in such close quarters.

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette writes that they may be media competitors when their respective newscasts come on, but on Tuesday, they were joking and singing, all for a good cause: the fundraiser “Off the Record,” a joint production of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh and the anchors’ union, SAG-AFTRA Ohio-Pittsburgh. “Off the Record” enters its 19th year having raised more than $600,000 for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.

As the three anchormen posed for pictures, Johnson kidded that one reason you never see them together is, just in case something big happens.

Pittsburgh TV would need a designated survivor?

Is it me, or does it look like Mike Clark showed up to school with his dad and granddad?

Full disclosure: I used to work with David Johnson at WPXI and I would beat him like a drum in the back parking lot at Wiffle ball. He’ll tell people he won, but that’s just his huge anchor ego talking.

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