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Delete The App

When someone downloads your station’s app on their phone, they are giving you some prime real estate on their mobile device.

In other words they are trusting you station’s app to provide them with the news and information they need.

Now, think for a second, how many people have apps on their phone that send them push alerts?

So, with that being said, when you make the decision to send out a push alert, please respect the people that you are sending it to.

These people have lives, they have jobs and they don’t have time for stupid shit. If you you start wasting these peoples time, they are going to delete your app and move on.

So, when stations like Tribune’s KDVR in Denver send out a push alert like this one:

You’re basically telling the viewer, we don’t respect you or you time and so we will send you totally stupid shit you don’t need.

Make sure your station is better than this.

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