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Is He a Waste of Money For Sinclair?

FTVLive often talks to people that work at Sinclair stations and everyone of them at some point and time whine about the must runs the company sends down from the company’s Chief Political Analyst Boris Epshteyn.

First off Sinclair hired Epshteyn, a one time Trump employee that has signed an NDA with Trump and is not allowed to speak ill of him.

Then again, Trump could not find a bigger cheerleader in Epshteyn if he tried (OK…maybe Sean Hannity).

At first it was thought that Sinclair, who has cozied up to Trump and according to Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner made a deal with Trump to give him positive coverage, sign on with Epshteyn just to appease the President.

But, despite having Trump and Epshteyn on their side, Trump’s FCC torpedoed the Tribune deal and accused Sinclair of not being truthful.

Earlier this year, FTVLive EXCLUSIVELY presented documents that showed that Epshteyn is compensated over $300.000 a year to send down pieces that most that work in Sinclair newsrooms think are straight up propaganda and are awful.

And here is something interesting about Boris Epshteyn. He is on and promoted by over 190 TV stations across the country. Yet, you look at his YouTube channel and he only has just over 350 subscribers. This is despite the fact that his videos are regularly uploaded a number of times each week.

Here’s a look at the last 4 videos he posted and look at the views.

One from 3 days ago only has 19 views and his most viewed video has only 90 views.

This is a guy on almost 200 TV stations and his YouTube is awful.

FTVLive is a website with no advertising budget and not on 190+ TV stations. Our uploading to YouTube is spotty at best and yet we even have almost 3000 subscribers and our channel has almost 10 million views.

This video we did about getting burned out pulled in almost 3500 views alone. A video of me just opening mail did 1500 views.

The big question, is Boris Epshteyn worth the money that Sinclair is paying him?

If you ask us, clearly the answer is no.

Why not say the hundreds of thousands of dollars you are paying him and put the money into the news product?

That’s what I would do.

Also, Sinclair, if you want to give me $100,000 a year, I will start producing YouTube videos for you that I promise will do better than Boris is doing.

Let me know if you are interested?

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