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Reporter is Kicked Out of Meeting

JEA is a big utility company here in Jacksonville that provides service to around a half million people.

The JEA board is exploring privatizing the utility company and has hired four outside consultants to help with the formal solicitation process.

It is a big story for many here in North Florida.

On Friday morning there was a meeting between JEA employees and leadership to gather more information on the proposed deal. The meeting was held a a public library.

WTLV Reporter Shelby Danielsen tried to attend that meeting but was thrown out.

The station says that Chris Bolvin, the Assistant Director of Community Relations for the public library, says the part of the public library along Main Street was privatized on May 1 by their board, and that now the public library's conference center is "self-funded all by the events that are paid for by the conference center".

The Tegna station’s attorneys are looking into the matter, since JEA is a public utility and they are holding a meeting in a public building.

"JEA hosts regularly scheduled internal meetings with its leadership team to ensure alignment, distribute information relevant to the business, and to provide an opportunity for open dialogue. These monthly staff meetings are held at the library, as JEA does not currently have a facility large enough to host the number of attendees. JEA will continue to conduct these internal monthly staff meetings with our employees.”

JEA tells First the station that the meeting held Friday morning was private and it will never be open to the media since it is specifically for employees.

Florida has a sunshine law and this appears to be in violation of that.

Stay tuned….

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