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Goodbye to the Dish On Top of Your House

Here in Florida, satellite TV is a farce during the Summer.

Companies like DirecTV and Dish claim that their uptime signal is in the high 90%. But, that figure is for the entire country.

I would love to see what the real number is here in Florida?

As the afternoon thunderstorms move in almost every day in the Summer, the satellite signal is lost and you lose your programing.

FTVLive dumped DirecTV years ago and recently we went to DirecTV Now which is a streaming service that does not rely on the dish on top of the house.

First off, we have a small bundle and pay about $100 less each month to get most of the channels we want and much more reliable service, since it is streaming and not coming down on the dish.

Now, AT&T says that they are looking to do away with that dish and go to streaming across the board.

The company says that DirecTV will become device that customers plug into their TV and stream the signal. If you have an AppleTV or a Fire TV, you can do so without the device.

AT&T says that it will save the company the costs of the dish on the house and they other equipment needed. It will "halve the cost of adding new customers by avoiding big expenses like rooftop dish installation." AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said.

So, does that mean your bill will be halved as well?

I would not bet on that.

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