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Google and Facebook Rob Stations of Ad Revenue

A study by the News Media Alliance shows that Google and Facebook made millions off of news that they did not produce. That money comes from content that TV stations and other media outlets create.

Now, media executives have gone to Capitol Hill to testify in favor of legislation they say would help recover advertising revenue lost in recent years to tech giants.

That is all well and good, but the media itself is to blame especially when it comes to Facebook.

When you post your story or video to Facebook, it might get viewed by thousands of your followers and shared to thousands more.

Mark Zuckerburg and the Facebook gang place ads on the page and make money off YOUR content.

Now, if this story was was posted on your station’s website only, then the money earned would be by your station.

So, why post anything other than a quick tease to Facebook and drive those viewers to your station’s website? Better yet, why use Facebook at all, since you or your company has no control over that digital outlet?

FTVLive has been saying for years that stations need to wean their way off of Facebook and worry more about their own website.

Stations spend money, promos and time trying to get viewers to “like” them on Facebook. Scoreboards are placed in the newsroom and talent are urged to engage with viewers on social media.

A Reporter posts a picture of herself in a bikini at the beach and her share rocket score jumps. But, did it really do anything for your station, or the station’s website?

This is where TV stations have completely lost sight of what the goal is? The goal is to bring viewers to your newscast and your website. Now one can show me that the bikini picture does either one of these things.

Yet, the Reporter is praised for bumping up her share rocket score, despite the fact that it had no impact on the station.

If all that time and money was spent trying to get people to your station’s website and not to Facebook, it would make more sense.

As for Google, FTVLive can say that it is that search engine that brings thousands and thousand of people to FTVLive each and every day. I’m sure the same thing can be said about your station’s website.

So, while Google might be making money off your content in a search, it is a two way street since they are sending you traffic.

If Google told a station, we will no longer make money off of your content, because we will no longer index your site and make it searchable, do you think stations would sign onto that?

Also, many stations use Google ads on their website just as FTVLive does. Google sells the ad, places the ad and then sends you a check each month.

While I completely think shunning Facebook is smart, I look at Google more as a partner than an adversary.

TV stations want to put digital first, but first they need to make sure they understand digital in the first place.

Dumping Facebook and embracing Google is a good start.

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