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Fired Weatherman Applies for Gig Across the Street

Weatherman Jeremy Kappell was fired from his job at WHEC (Rochester) after uttering a racist slur towards Dr. Martin Luther King.

In the days to follow, Kappell talked to all different media outlets about how he was unfairly treated and went on and on about how others made the same mistake he did.

What he should have done, was say he was sorry and kept his mouth shut.

He has since filed a lawsuit against WHEC for firing him.

Now, he has applied for the Chief Meteorologist job across the street at WROC.

"I am interested in the opportunity and I did apply for the position last week," Kappell told the Democrat and Chronicle . "I have not heard from WROC yet."

WROC is owned by Nexstar and we have a feeling that after seeing how this guy has acted, they will have no interest in hiring him.

Most often, companies like to hire people that don’t have the tendency to file lawsuits against their employer and people that can just admit to a mistake without 10 different disclaimers.

I know that Meteorologists like to use percentages, so I will give Kappell about a 3% chance that he is hired at WROC. Then again, it is Nexstar, so who knows?

I’m not sure who if anybody is advising Jeremy Kappell, but they are doing a pretty shitty job of it. If he would have acted differently the moment he was fired, I think he would have already been back in the business and working already.

Just saying….

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