This is What We're Talking About
Yesterday, FTVLive posted a story about WKEF (Dayton) Meteorologist Jamie Simpson going on a wild rant at viewers mad that he cut into The Bachelorette.
Other the past few months, it has seemed to become “a thing” for the TV weather folks to rant at viewers that complain about them breaking into programing.
You have to remember that stations breaking into programing has been going on for decades and viewers bitching has gone on just as long.
But, it seems that one Meteorologist went on a rant against viewers and now many others are following. It is just another example of “All About Me TV.”
Did Simpson really need to take time out from his potentially life saving information to start ranting about angry viewers?
Is it professional of him to stop his forecast to start bitching at the people watching his station?
If you ask us, the answer is no.
But, just hours after FTVLive posted the story, other media outlets started picking up on Simpson’s rant and it did not take long for it to go viral.
So, while we called him out for what we thought was not professional behavior for a Meteorologist, he is now all over the internet and media for his dressing down the viewer.
That means, some other Met is going to see the publicity that Simpson got and they are going to do it as well, hoping that they can be a viral hit.
Welcome to All About Me TV - Weather edition.
Thankfully, you will not see this behavior from the more professional TV Meteorologists out there. They will be too worried about giving the viewers the information that they need and not worried about going viral.