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Breakfast with the Photog

Every morning after updating FTVLive, Rory and I jump in the car and head to a local park where he runs around with his friends.

After the walk, the both of us go to the local Steak and Shake to eat breakfast. Well, I go to eat breakfast, Rory waits in the car from me to bring him a piece of bacon.

Yesterday morning, I’m sitting at breakfast when a Photographer from WJXT (Jacksonville) comes into the restaurant with his camera rolling.

At first, I figured that he had to be here for me. You know, the guy that runs a successful TV blog that is read by everyone in the industry.

But no, WJXT Shooter Chris O'Rourke was not there for me. He was there for a guy that eats breakfast at the table next to me each morning.

I don’t know the guy’s name, everyone just calls him “Sarge” and he is 100 years old. Sarge drives himself to breakfast each morning around 6:45AM and meets a group of guys and eats. The guys he meets are around 70, or 30 years younger than Sarge. I guess Sarge stays young by hanging around the kids.


Although, I briefly talk to Sarge each and every morning, I don’t know his history and what wars he fought in. I do know that he is quite impressive for a guy 100 years old. He drives himself to breakfast each and every morning and is the most independent 100 year old person you will meet.

He also makes for a much better news story than I do. Maybe that’s why the news crew followed him to breakfast and not me.

While Photographer O'Rourke was busy getting video and sound of Sarge eating breakfast, he said that the Reporter on the story would be showing up later.

Some things in TV news never change…

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