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Pissed Off Viewers

FTVLive is a website that is geared to the people that work in and around TV news. But, more and more viewers are stopping by FTVLive to get the inside look at the industry.

Often times viewers email FTVLive to bitch about something they don’t like happening at their local station.

It’s not like there is much we can do, but we appreciate the emails none the less.

Viewer John Greenberg emailed FTVLive to say that he is “pissed” and he’s not the only one. John wants to know why Sinclair’s WJAC (Johnstown) keeps getting rid of the good people and only keeping the “bad ones”?

Here’s John’s email:

John, we really can’t answer this question for you and maybe someone at WJAC that is reading this will let us know.

But John, you know this station is run by Sinclair, so that might be your answer right there.

Just saying…

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