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Ohio Weatherman Rants at Viewers

TV Weather people have been breaking into programing for decades with severe weather reports.

Of course, this always get a few viewers pissed that have the program they are watching interrupted.

But lately, it seems the TV weather folks are firing back at the viewers that complain. It’s like one did it and now the rest must follow.

This Dayton Meteorologist went off on viewers that were mad that he was interrupting The Bachelorette.

Of course, it could be pointed out that in the time he took to rant, he could have been giving potentially life saving information.

It’s almost like these people want to rant, to maybe make a name for themselves and get a little publicity.

Maybe, it’s time for the Meteorologists to now stoop to the whining viewers level and just do their job professionally. You know….like TV Meteorologists had been doing for years and years.

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