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Sinclair to Produce/Anchor Omaha Newscast from California

Here we go again…

FTVLive has told you how Sinclair’s WNWO (Toledo, Ohio) newscasts are produced and anchored from South Bend, Indiana. The same can be said for Sinclair’s WOLF in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Well, a recent job posting by Sinclair shows that the company is hiring a new Anchor for KPTM located in Omaha. But, the Anchor will work 1,678 miles away from KMPH in Fresno, California.

This is a portion of the job listed by Sinclair:

This is Sinclair’s way of saving money and ruining the business at the same time.

The idea that you can have decent newscasts anchored/produced from almost 2 thousand miles away from the market is mind-boggling.

It shows that Sinclair really doesn’t care to put on a good product that just want to put on newscasts in the cheapest way possible.

It is likely that you will continue to see Sinclair combine news operations, cut staff and do the cheapest newscast they can.

You would hope that the FCC/Congress would step in and not let this practice go on.

I don’t care what company it is, when you have your Producers and Anchors thousands of miles away from the market, doing a newscast, you are not invested in that market.

This hubbing of newscasts is like a weed that is spreading.

Somebody needs to get out the RoundUp before it’s too late.

See this content in the original post