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A Man's World at CNN

CNN held back to back town halls on Monday night and what was the one thing that was missing?

If you answered women, you’re right.

Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon all held town halls with Democratic candidates, Amy Klobuchar, Elizebeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg.

While 3 of the candidates were women, none of the CNN hosts were. Cuomo and Cooper did two each with Lemon doing one.

Why didn’t CNN think a single woman could have handled some of the prime time town halls? You can bet your bottom dollar, if it was only the guys at Fox News asking the questions, CNN media critic Brian Stelter would have been all over it.

But, Stelter remains mum when it’s his own network.

And yes….Jeff Zucker still has a job.

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