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Another Problem with Cable News

It seems just about every Democrat in the country is putting their name in the hat for the 2020 election for President.

The latest to do so is U.S. Senator from Minnesota Amy Klobuchar. She announced her candidacy over the weekend and she will be on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow later tonight.

Of course, a Democratic Senator that just announced a run for President going to the friendly confines of MSNBC is not unexpected.

What you can expect is for Maddow to lob one softball after another at Klobuchar and for it to be nothing more than a love fest.

This is the problem with political leaning cable news.

Donald Trump is headed to Fox News and to talk with Laura Ingraham later tonight and you know that we will also be nothing but giant softballs one after another.

Political candidates and the President know what to expect when they talk to their friends in cable news. The problem is, none of these people are challenged and the viewer learns absolutely nothing.

Cable news is doing it best to kill real Journalism and if you tune into MSNBC or Fox News tonight, you will see some very clear examples of that.

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