The 5th Best and Worst TV Markets to Work in
We have reached Number 5 on the list of the Best and Worst TV Markets to work in.
The 5th Best TV Market to work in is Market 40 and Austin, Texas.
I great market, with great weather and a really good place to live. Austin has a great music scene and it is not all country music either. The city is the state capitol and that gives the political reporters always something to cover.
The cost of living is pretty good and while you are not close to the ocean, you have plenty of rivers and lakes to enjoy the water.
The 5th Worst TV Market to work in is Market 10 and Atlanta, GA.
It is expensive, very hard to get around and some of the worst weather you will see. Hot as hell in the Summer and cold as can be in the Winter.
The market pays less than it should for a Top 10 and if you choose to live outside the city, you are going to spend much more time than you want in your car.
It used to home to CNN, but many of the staff there have been relocated to New York and CNN Center is a shell of it’s former self.
Check back next hour for the 4th Best and Worst TV Markets to Work in.