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Going To Work in Your Pajamas

Let me ask you this….

Say you are scheduled to have surgery this morning at your local hospital. You show up and as they are prepping you for surgery, you see that all the doctors and nurses are wearing their pajamas at the hospital.

How do you feel about that?

Do you feel better or worse knowing that these professionals are at work in their PJ’s?

Well, It was a hospital, but the staff at Meredith’s KPHO/KTVK in Phoenix showed up for work in their pajamas.

I guess it’s a thing, but when the media is being called “fake news” and not credible by the President of the United States. I’m really not sure this helps the perception.

It certainly isn’t the worst thing that a local news station has done, but it still seems to lack the professionalism that this industry deserves and needs right now.

If this was Mrs. Green’s 3rd-grade class, it’s all good. But you’re grown adults working in a profession. Is this really needed?

Maybe, we should leave the jammies at home and show up to the studio looking a bit more professional.

Just saying…

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