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Oh Skippy...

CNN Media Reporter Brian “Skippy” Stelter was obsessing as usual on Fox News and the fact that FNC was having Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch on Fox and Friends to talk about his book.

Skippy tweeted out this message:

He brought it up again in his newsletter, writing, “Why is a Supreme Court justice going on one of the most partisan shows on TV? How is it appropriate for him to try to goose sales of his three-month-old book by chatting on "Fox & Friends?”

It is here that we should point out that we agree with Skippy on this. I’m not sure that a Justice on the Supreme court should go on any cable news channels since they are all partisan in their coverage.

But, Skippy’s rant might have carried a bit more weight if he made the same argument 4 years ago when Justice Stephen Breyer went of Colbert’s show on CBS.

In fact, Skippy called it the “coolest.”

You see, in Skippy’s world, when someone on the left does it, it’s “the coolest” when someone on the right does it, it’s wrong.

And that my friends is why you can’t trust Brian Stelter.

Just saying….

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