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No. 1 Best TV Station to Work For

For the top station on our list, we head back to a market that we have already been too.

Coming in a numero uno is Chicago’s ABC O&O WLS.

This station is the blowtorch of Chicago and when many people get hired at WLS, they end up staying until they retire from the business.

It is one of those stations that you rarely read about on FTVLive, unless it’s for something good. For the most part you can’t go wrong working for an ABC O&O, but WLS is at the top of the ABC list.

Again, Chicago is one of the best cities to live in and finding news is never a problem. You have crazy political news, organized crime and crazy weather. You are not showing up at the morning meeting looking for story ideas. In Chicago they are everywhere.

Look at Chicago as New York City with a much friendlier atmosphere.

WLS is not flashy, but they do the news and they do it well. Management stands behind their talent and in today’s day and age that is huge.

If you want a shop that just cares about news, this is the one to be in.

That wraps up FTVLive’s list of the best stations to work at. Like we said, no station is perfect and if your station did not make the list and you thought it should have, then good for you, you’re at a place that you enjoy and that’s all that matters.

Maybe one day we will do the worst TV stations to work at, but today it is about the positive.

Thanks for reading.

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