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Another News Director Sacked

Scripps owned KJRH (Tulsa) appears to be a station in constant turmoil.

The station has had a hard time keeping news management (and Anchors) and there is yet another change.

11 months ago, KJRH hired Scott Fitzgerald as the station’s new News Director. He replaced Warren Stewart, who made it just a year and a half before being bounced.

Stewart replaced Mike McCardel who was walked out of the building in the Spring of 2017.

Now, we hear that in the November book, Fitzgerald has been told to pack up and leave.

Scripps is bringing in KMGH Assistant News Director Gerardo Lopez as the interim News Director and word is the job will be his soon.

But, the way things go at that station, Lopez might think about a short term rental when he makes the move to T-town.

Here is the internal memo that was sent to the staff at KMGH from News Director Holly Gauntt and obtained by FTVLive:

From: Gauntt, Holly


I love that Scripps believes in promoting people from within and giving them the opportunity to grow and learn.

That said, it's a double edged sword! I have been lucky to hire some really good Assistant News Directors. Both Sean and Gerardo have done a stellar job at Denver7. And their skills have not gone unnoticed!

The company has asked Gerardo to spend a few weeks as the Interim News Director at our station in Tulsa and both Dean and I have signed off. It's a great opportunity for Gerardo and a perfect fit for KJRH.

Gerardo will be heading to Oklahoma sometime next week. This will obviously mean some added responsibilities for all of the editorial managers. Once we chat, I will let you know who is picking up what duties.

Please join me in congratulating Gerardo on this opportunity to spread his wings!

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