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What Rhymes with Tucker?

Today kids in school practice “active shooter” drills, but back when I was in school, we practiced “air raid” drills in the event that Russia dropped a bomb on us.

Yep, the threat was so real, that kids in school were taught to “duck and cover” because Russia was dropping a bomb of us.

Russia was and is the enemy of the United States. In the last election, Russia did what it could by tampering with our election to try and get Donald Trump elected. While many in the GOP will say that Russia did not attempt to tamper with our election, the entire intelligence community says that it is a fact.

Last night on Fox News, Tucker Carlson admitted that he is rooting for Russia in conflict with Ukraine.

Yes, folks, Tucker Carlson said he was rooting for Russia:

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This is where our country has gone when we now have people on TV at a cable news channel saying that they are rooting for the biggest enemy of the United States.

After blowback started happening almost immediately on social media, Carlson closed out his slow by saying he was “joking.”

Watch the clip again and see if you think he was “joking.”

When I took cover under my desk back in grade school, I never would have thought that a host of a “news” channel would be on the air, claiming that he was rooting for Russia.

This guy is disgusting and somewhere Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave.

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