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How Do They Still Have Jobs?

When you hear about what went out at NBC with the killing of the Harvey Weinstein story that Ronan Farrow was working on and the Matt Lauer mess, you wonder how NBC News President Noah Oppenheim and NBC chairman Andy Lack still have a job?

Also, according to Farrow’s book Catch and Kill, some inappropriate conduct by Lack was said to have happened back when he was at CBS News.

But, as FTVLive reads Farrow’s book it shows why these two are still employed. Farrow points out that the Harvey Weinstein saga went even higher up the food chain than Oppenheim and Lack. Farrow claims that lawyers and suits from NBC/Universal and not just NBC News got involved in killing the story.

While Oppenheim claims in memos to the staff at NBC that Farrow’s story did not have enough to go to air with, Farrow says that Oppenheim ordered him to stop working on the Weinstein story.

It wasn’t until NBC basically fired Farrow that he continued on the story, published in the New Yorker and won a Pulitzer Prize.

The book is a fascinating read about some real reporting under some very trying circumstances. Farrow was followed and threatened while he continued to chase the story.

If you want to learn more about how real reporting works and be inspired by a guy that would not let the story go, you need to read this book.

It is one of the best books I have read and it also shows that NBC has a lot of house cleaning to do. And it starts at the top.

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Here is my Amazon Associate link to buy “Catch and Kill.” You can click the link and have to book the next day. If you use this link, I will make a couple of bucks. If you go to the store and buy it, I make nothing.

Either way, you should read this book.

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