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We Won?

I would love to go a day without talking about Tegna and some of their questionable hires, but it seems that it won’t be today.

By now you likely know that former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder Tuesday for fatally shooting her neighbor, Botham Jean, after she went to the wrong apartment, thinking it was her own.

It did not take the jury long to come back with the verdict of guilty.

Guyger is white and her neighbor, Botham Jean who was killed was black.

WUSA (DC) comedian/anchor Resse Waters posted this tweet after the verdict:

“We Won.”?

This is the tweet from a person that anchors the news in a top 10 market.

I’m not sure that Botham Jean is so excited about the victory, you know since he is dead.

A check of Waters Twitter account and you can see much of it is race bating or memes that really do nothing to inform.

When a 12-year-old black girl said she was held down by 3 white boys and had her hair cut, Waters posted a video of his thoughts. There was no attribution and Waters falt out convicted the 3 boys, the school that they went to and Vice President Mike Pence’s wife Karen, who is a teacher at the school.

Waters ranted about this awful display of bullying on his social media.

When it turned out that the 12-year-old girl admitted to making up the story, Waters deleted all his no attribution tweets and tweeted a single correction to the story.

Guess he didn’t “Win” that one.

Amber Guyger was arrested, tried and convicted. The system worked.

It was not a sporting event.

The idea that your station’s anchor just tweeted out that “We Won.” would make me suspect to any story this guy ever reports on.

As an anchor, you present the story and the facts, you do not spike the football when “your” side wins.

I’m sure Botham Jean would have been more than happy to take an “L” and still be alive today.

A man is dead, I really don’t think this calls for a celebration.

Maybe Reese Waters “Won” but for WUSA it’s another loss and it is another loss for Journalism.

I challenge you to go find another anchor that tweeted about this verdict and claimed “We Won.”

I’ll be here waiting….

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